Japan Earthquake : Before And After (Page 2 of 2)

On Friday, March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9.0 offshore earthquake unleashed a 23-foot tsunami on northeastern Japan. Homes simply stripped apart, farm areas swept away by the water, airports raised, nuclear power plants dangerously shaken and a concerning death toll made the world tremble and reinforced the idea that nature is the master of this fine planet. 

A bunch of before-and-after aerial photos show what Japan looked like before the earthquake and devastating tsunami and after.

Kashimaku In Minamisoma

 Lake Onuma, Sendai

 Shipwreck in Sendai port

 South of Fukushima Nuclear Plant

 Terashima In Iwanuma

 Tomioka In Fukushima

Ueda In Iwaki, Samegawa River Outlet

Village 3 Km South Of Fukushima I Power Plant

Village wiped out near Fukushima nuclear power plant

 Yagawahama In Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula)

Japan Earthquake : Before And After (Page 2 of 2) Japan Earthquake : Before And After (Page 2 of 2) Reviewed by Vasanth on May 01, 2014 Rating: 5