The Ice Man - Wim Hof

He’s run a half-marathon in the Arctic Circle region –in bare feet. He’s been entombed in ice for 72 straight minutes. He’s swum 80 meters beneath a layer of ice. He’s climbed partway up Mount Everest, clad only in a pair of shorts.

This man is known, unsurprisingly, as The Iceman. And no, he’s not a new character on Heroes –he’s a 48-year-old Dutchman named Wim Hof, who has the ability to control his body’s temperature through an ancient form of meditation known as Tummo. Though Tummo is normally practiced only by monks, Hof has mastered the art form to such an extent that he never feels cold, even in sub-zero temperatures that could cause severe hypothermia, or even death, should us normal people attempt such stunts.

Hof’s incredible abilities confound common scientific beliefs, and the Iceman has been the subject of many studies to see whether there is anything unusual about his body that allows him to embrace freezing temperatures. But as far as they can tell, it’s really all in his mind: “It’s very easy to speculate that the same mind control that you use to control your heart when you’re scared also can be called upon to control the other organs in the body. And maybe that’s how Wim Hof does this,” Dr. Ken Kamler told ABC News. “That’s … it’s speculation, but it sort of makes sense, and a lot of scientists are working very hard to try to figure this out now.”
The Ice Man - Wim Hof The Ice Man - Wim Hof Reviewed by Vasanth on December 21, 2013 Rating: 5