Man Who Never Slept - Al Herpin

Al Herpin, who born in 1862, was an American known as the "Man Who Never Slept". Al Herpin, who lived in Trenton, New Jersey, claimed to have developed a rare case of insomnia, whereby he could not sleep. The supposed cause is unknown, although it may be linked to his mother suffering a major injury a few days prior to his birth.

In the late 1940s, Al Herpin's claim attracted the attention of several medical professionals; inspecting his house they found no bed, or other sleep-related furniture, but only a rocking chair. Herpin claimed that after a long day's work, he would rest in his rocking chair reading the newspaper until dawn, then return to work. He was in good health, and had a constant level of high awareness, defying all scientific understanding of the necessity for sleep. Al Herpin died on January 3, 1947, reportedly at the age of 94.
Man Who Never Slept - Al Herpin Man Who Never Slept - Al Herpin Reviewed by Vasanth on December 07, 2013 Rating: 5